I'll miss you December!
December, you were a great, albeit odd, month. Not only did you have Christmas this year (and every year) but you also marked our official move to Austin. So what if it meant we lived for weeks with nothing but a bed (and even now have the majority of our furniture still in our "staged" house in Dallas) - at least we're in AUUUUSSSTTTIIIN! If only you'd sold our house too, you would have been perfect. Here's hoping January can swing that last bit. We'll miss ya December, thanks for all you do...
A fantastic new work team! (this photo was taken after lunch at Hai Ky in Westlake - highly recommend!)
A fun party with good friends (and more than one Cosby show reference)!
Yummy Home Slice (although certainly not particular to December)! Timmy = itty-bitty; Pizza = HUUUUGGGEEE
Dogs singing Christmas carols! (whoops, you're going to have to turn your head - apparently there's a learning curve on my new camera).
New work friends with funny accents!
Miller Lite! (claaassssy!)
New backyard for doggies!
Gourmet Christmas Breakfast! (IHOP)
And yummy Christmas dinner (jalapeno pork tenderloin, taters, green beans & brownie sundaes...mmm!)
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