A schlong is not a nose...
Heard from one of our presenters on the audio recording of a recent conference session:
"You've got to have a really unique selling proposition. But you can have fun with it. I mean, I know this guy from California that has a really great big schlong. He uses it to his advantage. Puts it on his business card and says, "Knows how to sniff out a great deal." And it works for him. I mean, who wouldn't want to go to the appointment and see the guy with the really big schlong?."
Yes. The man said "schlong" in a room of hundreds. I found it quite amusing until I realized that I really needed to have a conversation with him about it. I mean, he could tell this story every time he teaches. I then agonized over how to explain to one of our top instructors that it does not, in fact, mean nose (he was going for schnoz). Surprisingly, my phone rang Friday and it was him saying, "Hi there, it's been a really schlong time since we last spoke." Someone had come up to him after the class and said "Did you mean schnoz?" I can't stop laughing about it....if I'd been in the room I would've been wondering if I was the only one for whom schlong most certainly does not mean nose. He is NEVER going to live that one down.
Wow, that's pretttttttty embarassing for that guy/awesome for everyone else
Haha, that's awesome! Love your blog by the way :)
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