Saturday, September 5, 2009

Bananas for balloons...

Do you ever get out of touch with a friend for a while and it's been so long that you then don't call them because there seems to be so much you'd have to talk about that you'd have to schedule in a three hour time block? I haven't updated this blog in a million months and there is so much to place, new baby stuff, getting ready for a baby girl, navigating maternity fashion and adjusting to life as a shoe size 9 (my feet grew A SIZE, people) in flats (so sad for a girl with a serious aversion to sensible shoes?).

But instead, i give you pretty things. Like pretty ladies with balloons in a pretty field followed by a pretty wedding. Full pictures on thenicholsblog and featured on style me pretty. The cork wedge pink payless shoes shown in the full pics almost ruined it for me (sorry, just not a fan) but other than that...completely gorge. Oh, and check out the nichols most recent pics from the white dunes of nm, like nothing i've ever seen!


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