Monday, February 9, 2009

Alexis' Favorite Things

So we've been married for about eight months now and using all our grown up dishes, pots and pans, etc. I thought I'd share what ended up being some of my favorite picks -- especially some that were kinda random scans in the store but is actually so useful! A lot of my favorite things were actually seasonal at Crate and Barrel, so I'm skipping those -- as well as the dishes and glasses and stuff, since that's all about personal taste.

From Crate and Barrel

Parker Bowls $36.95
These bowls are the best. In the fall they offer the Addison bowls which are in richer autumnal colors. They make great mixing bowls but also great serving bowls (they look great on a table) and there's five of them, so a size for everything. The price is also great - a fantastic gift to give too!

Footed Colander $19.95
Straining vegetables never looked so good!

Footed Cake Platter $54.95
Not the easiest piece to store, but cakes look so beautiful on this tall stand!

Water Lily Bowl $24.95
This is a simple bowl with clean lines but so versatile. You can put rocks, fruit, floating flowers, candles in it and continuously switch up your centerpieces.

Easy Roll Garlic Peeler $3.95
Who knew? I use this all the time and LOVE it. Easy to use, easy to wash and it really takes the garlic skin(?) off in two secs.

Acacia Wood Platter $14.95

This platter is so beautiful it looks like art. Great for decoration or for serving cheese and fruit. The acacia salad bowl is also gorgeous.

Ona Pitcher $26.95

This unique picture also makes a beautiful vase. I haven't made sangria in it yet, but it would look so pretty with the floating fruit (also in lemon or lime-ade).

Polycarbonate Pizza Wheel

Vino Wine Glass $2.95

A few of these at home are great for easy glass of wine. Also great for outdoors!

From Bed, Bath and Beyond

Micro-Cotton by Suite Collection Bath Towel
These are the SOFTEST towels ever! It's like drying off in a cloud.

Flexible Cutting Boards $3.99
These take up no counter space and are easy to pull out, wipe clean, etc.

One Touch Can Opener $19.99
This thing is AMAZING. Who knew we needed it, but it is fan-freakin-tastic.

Metrokane® Rabbit Wine 6-Piece Corkscrew Tool Kit
Wine is sooooo much easier to open with this guy. I keep recommending engaged ladies get the rabbit - for those that watch Sex and the City, you get the joke.

Good luck with your own picks!


Jen February 9, 2009 at 7:40 PM  

we totally registered for the acacia salad bowl and that same pitcher at crate and barrel. i am in love with that pitcher.

also, we registered for those same towels - i've been set on them since i worked at BB&B a few years ago. they are like a cloud!

Christy February 9, 2009 at 8:22 PM  

I want. All of it! I'm gonna have to go update that registry!

shannon February 10, 2009 at 7:36 AM  

what a great post! thanks. We're currently trying to 'finish up' our registries and deciding on what to spend those wonderful gift cards on has been difficult. I love the gadget information. thanks.

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